happy Hour
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I am always so excited when i look at her. She likes all the attention that she gets and always so entertaining.
My sis came to visit me with her family in the afternoon. I actually planned to visit her but she said she was going to bring her kids out shopping at Nilai so they were going to stop by to see me too.
It's a new area so the playground is still in a good condition. it was my first time there. My nephews and niece had a blast!
Reality check by Ain Twitty @ 11:48 PM,
- At December 2, 2008 at 2:32 PM, Unknown said...
She's absolutely gorgeous :). Reminds me of mine niece, which was at my place about week ago.
- At December 3, 2008 at 9:49 PM, I write. said...
holoh2 cumil nye dieeee..byk ngomel x dak ni huhu
The Author
I am a person who used to write a lot when i was growing up but lost the passion to it because of the time constrain and other commitments. writing itself for me was a form of catharsis when i was in school. i was devoted to my diaries each year then.
Now i am starting again and making it as a companion through my journey along the routes i take
About This Blog
This blog is a personal blog where i put my personal thoughts basically about my daily life, my life at work, my kids in the classes i teach, my dreams, my hobbies through art, music, colours and perhaps photography.
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