Ain's Real Life

you will be missed.

You will be missed


Reality check by Ain Twitty @ 4:17 AM, ,

her last day as a public servant

tomorrow will be the sent-off ceremony for my boss, Pn. Rasunah.

She helped me and taught me a lot.
i realized that even more knowing that she wouldn't be around to observe me anymore.


Reality check by Ain Twitty @ 10:55 PM, ,

hanging out

It is the perfect time for us to wind up and chill out at some mamak place. There will be a group gathering for my boy and his friends which i invited myself. we will have a group gathering at port Dickson, the nearest beach from our place.

our first meeting location was at Bangi mcD near the PKNS building. I thought there was wifi there. unfortunately there was not. after eating we decided to move to another location, better and more convenient. haha Mamak place.

they knew one another through PTT. my boy met new friends which became mine too. so it was all good.

i usually don't really prefer beach areas or sand. there is something about those that i dont like. but i'm trying to like it this time. cus i like to have fun with my boy and the rest. :))


Reality check by Ain Twitty @ 10:43 PM, ,

Attention!! Attention!!!

There is a short story that the form 1 students need to learn called The Pencil by Ali Majod. It's a story about a shy boy who turned into a bully because of a bad judgment of his teacher.

That is one of the things that i want to avoid. we, who supposed to be just, need to have alert ears and eyes. However i cant listen to everything or trust everything .

all of them like attention and they always feel noted when we give them praises and acknowledgment. even so, i never thought that those things really went straight into their head. it could be like that for a few hours but they would soon be forgotten. so should i praise more? or should i show more attention? or should i act like i don't care anymore?


Reality check by Ain Twitty @ 7:05 AM, ,

The Author

I am a person who used to write a lot when i was growing up but lost the passion to it because of the time constrain and other commitments. writing itself for me was a form of catharsis when i was in school. i was devoted to my diaries each year then.

Now i am starting again and making it as a companion through my journey along the routes i take

About This Blog

This blog is a personal blog where i put my personal thoughts basically about my daily life, my life at work, my kids in the classes i teach, my dreams, my hobbies through art, music, colours and perhaps photography.

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    I'm Ain Twitty From Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia i love anything cute. i am learning to - make sofa slipcovers - be a mom - be more organized - eat healthily I am excited with - new things in life - cooking shows - better homes and gardens magazines - extra cash for saving
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Ain Yahaya


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